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Native backup location for Cisco FMC
If backups have been succeeding, but automatic copies have been failing and you need to manually retrieve the backup files, they are located here: #### /var/sf/backup/ The easiest way to retrieve them is to login to the console and enter expert mode. Naviga...
Cisco ASA Packet Capture
!Define filterconf taccess-list cap extended permit ip host any4access-list cap extended permit ip host any4access-list cap extended permit ip host any4access-list cap extended permit ip any4 host cap extend...
Creating a new admin account on Cisco Unity
At the console, issue the following commands: run cuc dbquery unitydirdb execute procedure csp\_UserCreate(ptemplateObjectId=(select objectid from vw\_Usertemplate where displayname='Administrator Template'),palias='NEWADMINNAME') run cuc dbquery unitydirdb ...
Cisco AP notes
Turn off console logging: debug capwap console cliconf tno logging consoleend Reset to factory defaults: debug capwap console cli erase /all nvram *******************************************************Example: Entered the username and password debug capw...
Tips for Cisco 7941 & 7961 phones
PERFORMING A LOCAL CONFIG FILE RESET ON CISCO 7941, 7961 IP PHONESFollow the steps below remove the security files from your Cisco 7941, 7961 IP phone:1. Press the Settings button.2. Go to Security Configuration and select Trust List.3. Select ITL Fil...
Cisco Switch Packet Capture
!Define filterconf tip access-list extended PXEcappermit ip host anypermit ip host anypermit ip host anypermit ip any host ip any host ip any host! !Define buffermonitor capture bu...