Resolving logon errors on thin clients
The following two errors can occur when trying to login to the RDS farms if a user’s roaming profile has become corrupted.
* The Group Policy Client service failed the sign-in. Access is denied.
* The User Profile Service service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.
Follow these steps to resolve the errors:
1. Make sure that the user is not logged in to any of the RDS servers.
2. On each of the RDS servers, do the following:
a. Remove or rename the user’s local profile.
b. Edit the registry and find the user’s profile key under the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
c. To identify the user’s ProfileList entry, select this key and perform a search for the username. You should find a key named ProfileImagePath which lists the user’s local profile directory path.
d. Delete the user’s Profile list entry. This key should begin with S-1-5.
3. Remove or rename the user’s roaming profile in the roaming profile store.
a. (\\\EXAMPLESERVER\Users$\\\<profilename\>)
4. Log the user into the farm. This should recreate the roaming profile, and a local profile and registry key on whichever server they end up on.
5. If user data was preserved by simply renaming the original profile, you can now restore the data to the new profile.